Kamis, 07 September 2017

Children Aged More Than A Year But Still The Food Is Blended, Is Their Impact?

Children Aged More Than A Year But Still The Food Is Blended, Is Their Impact?


Jakarta, Sometimes parents worry too much so too cautious when giving food companion ASI. Gastric and intestinal worry little one not ready, even though the child was already a year old still being given food that meet. Is it true that the stomach and intestines of babies a year and above have not been able to receive the food more solid than a food blender? Dr. Melisa Anggraeni goddess, SpA a while back explaining the feeding of companion ASI (MPASI) should be tailored to the age of the child. For example, when serializing MPASI at age 6 months, then the texture of food that was introduced is the most tender. So the food is the softest textures or almost liquid. Then the texture of food children rises gradually became more solid, for example in the 7-9 months of age given porridge oatmeal. While at the age of 9 months up be given rice team. Furthermore, at the age of 12 months and above should have the child can already eat family meals food aka just as other family members. If the child is too early given the texture of foods that do not fit the development, then the child's digestive tract is not ready. As a result any digestion can be compromised. No matter if the child is constantly given food with the texture soft and flabby, but her age is already more than a year, could certainly have an impact on other things. Read also: for babies 7 months Where the MPASI Portion Plus, Porridge or fruit? If you don't follow the rules, skills and ability to eat oromotor child will interrupted, and will certainly affect a growing important role in the future, said Dr. Meta Hanindita, SpA from the PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL Dr. Sutomo. Keep in mind, malfunctioning of oromotor (oral motor) could cause the child has difficulty eating. Oromotor disorder is a disorder of muscle motion system in the oral cavity as the jaw, lips, teeth, palate and pharynx. The ability of a child developing normally oromotor startup 4-6 months old, especially when the baby had started to get MPASI. Well, the texture of the food can be a stimulus to the development of oromotor children. Dr. Luh Bounty Wahyuni, SpRM some time ago explaining any stimulus given to children will be processed and generate a response in the form of language or behavior. For example the mother provides nourishment in the form of a smooth texture, can be seen the child's tongue will move up and down. If the food is a bit dense tongue can be to the right and left, if the texture is more solid again then the tongue can get to the top to bottom and right to left. In addition to the texture, the taste of the food, the temperature and pressure of the used spoon can be a stimulus of development functions oromotor children. The note also, when food is mashed or blended then tend to contain a greater moisture content is high. This differentiates a quantity of nutrition with food with the texture is more solid through the process that does not meet. Read also: O Mother, Thus Feeding Guide children up to Age 1 year






Photo: Texture MPASI Infographics/Mindra Purnomo






(vit/vit) kopi hijau penurun berat badan


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